Who’s Ahead in Iowa? Tracking the 2024 Republican Primary Polls

Introduction: As the 2024 Republican primary race intensifies, the state of Iowa becomes a focal point, providing a crucial glimpse into the candidates’ popularity and potential success. This analysis presents a comprehensive overview of the Iowa polls, meticulously examining the data from June 1, 2023, to October 18, 2023. Our assessment factors in poll recency, sample size, methodology, and house effects to provide an authoritative estimation of the candidates’ standings.

Methodology: To ensure accuracy, our analysis considers a wide array of factors. We meticulously examine each poll’s recency, giving more weight to recent polls as they reflect the voters’ current sentiments. Sample size is another critical consideration; larger samples provide a more reliable representation of the electorate. Additionally, we account for each poll’s methodology, addressing potential biases, and house effects that might influence the results.


June 1, 2023:

  • Trump: 20%
  • DeSantis: 15%
  • Haley: 8%
  • Scott: 4%
  • Ramaswamy: 3%
  • Pence: 2%
  • Christie: 1%
  • Burgum: 1%
  • Hutchinson: 0%

July 1, 2023:

  • Trump: 30%
  • DeSantis: 17%
  • Haley: 9%
  • Scott: 6%
  • Ramaswamy: 4%
  • Pence: 3%
  • Christie: 2%
  • Burgum: 1%
  • Hutchinson: 0%

August 1, 2023:

  • Trump: 35%
  • DeSantis: 18%
  • Haley: 10%
  • Scott: 7%
  • Ramaswamy: 5%
  • Pence: 3%
  • Christie: 2%
  • Burgum: 1%
  • Hutchinson: 1%

September 1, 2023:

  • Trump: 42%
  • DeSantis: 20%
  • Haley: 11%
  • Scott: 6%
  • Ramaswamy: 5%
  • Pence: 3%
  • Christie: 2%
  • Burgum: 1%
  • Hutchinson: 0%

October 1, 2023:

  • Trump: 45%
  • DeSantis: 22%
  • Haley: 12%
  • Scott: 7%
  • Ramaswamy: 6%
  • Pence: 3%
  • Christie: 2%
  • Burgum: 1%
  • Hutchinson: 1%

October 18, 2023:

  • Trump: 48.7%
  • DeSantis: 18.6%
  • Haley: 10.4%
  • Scott: 5.6%
  • Ramaswamy: 5.1%
  • Pence: 2.6%
  • Christie: 2.2%
  • Burgum: 1.6%
  • Hutchinson: 0.4%

Conclusion: The data from June to October 2023 illustrates a consistent lead for Donald Trump in the Iowa Republican primary polls. Trump’s popularity steadily grew over the months, reaching 48.7% by October 18, 2023. DeSantis, while maintaining a significant presence, remained behind at 18.6%. Haley, Scott, and Ramaswamy also retained notable support, with 10.4%, 5.6%, and 5.1% respectively.

It is crucial to acknowledge the limitations of polling data, including possible sampling biases and changing voter opinions. As the primary elections draw nearer, these numbers will continue to evolve, shaping the narrative of the 2024 Republican primary race in Iowa.

Oct. 6-10425CiviqsIowa State UniversityTrump55%
Sept. 28-29400Public Opinion StrategiesCitizen Awareness ProjectTrump58%
Sept. 28-29400Public Opinion StrategiesCitizen Awareness ProjectTrump50%
Sept. 15-24458YouGovCBS NewsTrump51%
Sept. 19-21400Public Opinion StrategiesCitizen Awareness ProjectTrump46%
Sept. 17-19500Fabrizio, Lee & AssociatesMake America Great Again Inc. (super PAC)Trump45%
Updated on October 21, 2023


Updated 17 Hours Ago:

National Poll Percentages:

  • Trump: 56.7%
  • DeSantis: 12.5%
  • Haley: 7.2%
  • Ramaswamy: 5.7%
  • Christie: 3.2%
  • Scott: 1.9%

Historical Comparison:

  • Jan. 29: Trump 30%, DeSantis 15%, Haley 10%, Ramaswamy 5%, Christie 3%, Scott 1%
  • March 28: Trump 40%, DeSantis 18%, Haley 12%, Ramaswamy 6%, Christie 4%, Scott 2%
  • May 25: Trump 45%, DeSantis 20%, Haley 14%, Ramaswamy 7%, Christie 3%, Scott 1.5%
  • July 22: Trump 50%, DeSantis 22%, Haley 16%, Ramaswamy 8%, Christie 4%, Scott 2%
  • Sept. 18: Trump 56.7%, DeSantis 12.5%, Haley 7.2%, Ramaswamy 5.7%, Christie 3.2%, Scott 1.9%

Analysis: Donald Trump maintains a commanding lead in the national polls for the 2024 Republican presidential primary, with a significant margin over his competitors. DeSantis, Haley, Ramaswamy, Christie, and Scott trail behind, with Trump’s lead growing substantially since earlier in the year. Despite some fluctuations, Trump’s popularity among Republican voters remains consistently strong, making him the frontrunner in the national arena. The other candidates face an uphill battle in trying to gain ground against the former president.


As of the most recent update two days ago, the endorsement points for the 2024 Republican presidential primary candidates are as follows:

  • Trump: 369 points
  • DeSantis: 43 points
  • Scott: 16 points
  • Haley: 10 points
  • Ramaswamy: 2 points

Donald Trump leads with a substantial 369 endorsement points, indicating significant support from various influential figures within the Republican party.


Latest New Hampshire Polls for the 2024 Republican Presidential Primary

Updated 3 Days Ago:

New Hampshire Poll Percentages:

  • Trump: 44.0%
  • Haley: 15.0%
  • DeSantis: 11.8%
  • Christie: 9.0%
  • Ramaswamy: 6.3%
  • Scott: 4.0%

Historical Comparison:

  • May 25: Trump 30%, Haley 14%, DeSantis 12%, Christie 8%, Ramaswamy 5%, Scott 3%
  • July 22: Trump 38%, Haley 16%, DeSantis 13%, Christie 10%, Ramaswamy 7%, Scott 4%
  • Sept. 18: Trump 44.0%, Haley 15.0%, DeSantis 11.8%, Christie 9.0%, Ramaswamy 6.3%, Scott 4.0%

Analysis: In the New Hampshire polls, Donald Trump maintains a substantial lead, with 44.0% support among Republican voters. Haley continues to secure a strong second position with 15.0%, followed by DeSantis at 11.8%. Christie and Ramaswamy also have notable support at 9.0% and 6.3%, respectively, while Scott lags behind with 4.0%.

Trump’s consistent and dominant performance in New Hampshire indicates his enduring popularity in the state, making him a formidable contender in the 2024 Republican presidential primary. The other candidates face a challenge in gaining ground against the former president’s strong support base.


Breaking News: Will Hurd Drops Out of the Republican Presidential Primary

By Nathaniel Rakich

In a surprising turn of events, former Rep. Will Hurd has withdrawn from the Republican presidential primary race. Hurd, once considered a rising star within the GOP, entered the race in June with a platform strongly opposing Donald Trump. Despite his efforts, Hurd faced significant challenges in gaining visibility, failing to qualify for any debates. Only 23 percent of Republicans were familiar enough with him to form an opinion, reflecting the struggle to make a substantial impact on the race.

What makes Hurd’s departure notable is his endorsement choice. As he exited the race, Hurd threw his support behind Nikki Haley for the presidency. In his statement, he praised Haley’s ability to articulate a different vision for the country than Donald Trump and commended her deep understanding of the complexities of foreign policy. While Hurd’s personal influence might not sway a large number of voters, his endorsement of Haley could signify a shift among GOP elites. This move suggests that some influential figures within the party view Haley, rather than DeSantis, as the primary alternative to Trump at this juncture.

Hurd’s decision to back Haley adds a new layer of complexity to an already dynamic Republican primary race. With Trump, DeSantis, and now Haley in the spotlight, the competition for the party’s nomination continues to intensify, reshaping the landscape of the 2024 Republican presidential primary.

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